Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
red dot competition

red dot online
red dot award: product design
Since 1955, the Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen has been marking outstanding international product design with is famous dot. In 2000, Design Innovations – as the competition was previously called – was given a new, international name: the red dot award: product design. Manufacturers and designers of a wide variety of industrial products can enter their work all year round in thirteen product groups for the coveted red dot award. And the number of entries grows year by year…
red dot award: product design
Since 1955, the Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen has been marking outstanding international product design with is famous dot. In 2000, Design Innovations – as the competition was previously called – was given a new, international name: the red dot award: product design. Manufacturers and designers of a wide variety of industrial products can enter their work all year round in thirteen product groups for the coveted red dot award. And the number of entries grows year by year…
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Metropolis Magazine

Next Generation
Call for EntriesWin $10,000FIX OUR ENERGY ADDICTION Rising energy costs present new design problems.Redesign the broken models of the 20th century. Challenge our patterns of living and working in a fuel-hungry world…come up with solutions that connect us, make us more efficient, more humane.Ask yourself…How would I bring work closer to home?Can a product help eliminate long commutes?What can I do to revitalize old ideas such as living above the store? What kind of interiors or furnishings does a telecommuter really need?Or follow your own dreams…what calls out for a major redesign?Focus on one area that needs fixing—products, interiors, buildings and landscape, communication systems, or anything else you can imagine—and develop your idea fully. Open to all designers in practice 10 years or less.
Call for EntriesWin $10,000FIX OUR ENERGY ADDICTION Rising energy costs present new design problems.Redesign the broken models of the 20th century. Challenge our patterns of living and working in a fuel-hungry world…come up with solutions that connect us, make us more efficient, more humane.Ask yourself…How would I bring work closer to home?Can a product help eliminate long commutes?What can I do to revitalize old ideas such as living above the store? What kind of interiors or furnishings does a telecommuter really need?Or follow your own dreams…what calls out for a major redesign?Focus on one area that needs fixing—products, interiors, buildings and landscape, communication systems, or anything else you can imagine—and develop your idea fully. Open to all designers in practice 10 years or less.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Upcycling Project - Grace's Concept
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Bird, Bat and Bee Houses from Up-cycled

In a bid to creatively recycle waste materials, London auction house Phillips de Pury & Company has partnered with Adventure Ecology to invite a list of international artists, designers and architects to “up-cycle” the auction house’s waste catalogues and packaging into new habitats for the declining numbers of bird, bat and bee species in urban environments.
Upcycling Product- Waste tire

designer's own words:
1 . RE-THINK : We have seen many time that people make other waste and use lots of bad things which can give negative impacts on public and natural environment even though they make re- use products. It`s so ironical!! Our main idea is that ONE WASTE = ONE PRODUCT. Thus we didn`t waste any rubbish while we`re making MR. RE - TIRE. 2. RE-USE : By our main idea ONE TIRE = ONE CHAIR. the way of manufacture : cut the down part of a tire and move it onto the other part of the tire. and just assemble them with bolts and nuts. We use the characters of a tire well (flexibility, elasticity). MR. RE-TIRE CHANGES ITS SHAPE BY HOW PEOPLE ARE SITTING ON IT. So people will be very comfotable.
UPcycling Product

As a part of Design Within Reach’s new business strategies, they’ve been pushing hard to get eco-friendly products to the market. This new product from their rubber tire line was inspired by by the fact that “Americans alone toss out about 300 million tires every year.” These products are modeled using ancient leather-crafting techniques and actually made in Egypt. They are hand-cut and hand-sewn wile being useable indoors and out for planters, carrying containers or simply durable storage. Each container is durable and unique, offering a functional alternative to the landfill. To quote the folks at Design Within Reach, “the big thinkers of the world are working on creative ways to reuse this vast quantity of rubber – ideas include mixing ground-up tires with urethane to create sidewalks or burning them like coal to produce energy.” Their goal is to take this concept to the consumer market, creating smaller but important opportunities for material reuse in the product design industry.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Deadline: End of May
Should open in January
Last year's competition was for storage, cooking and/or washing and reflected the Internet generation's core interests and concerns like mobility, convenience, time, materials, personalization, entertaining, technology and sustainability.
Deadline: End of May
Should open in January
Last year's competition was for storage, cooking and/or washing and reflected the Internet generation's core interests and concerns like mobility, convenience, time, materials, personalization, entertaining, technology and sustainability.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Newspaper-Aron Han

In United States about 48.3 million newspapers are dicarded a day. Newspaper provide valuable source and information to the reader, however when it pass through the day, it suddenly become old information and thrown into the waste basket. I suggest to turn discarded newspaper into useful object, rather than making useful object into usesless trash.
Coin Wrapper - Upcycling Material by Shinwoo Her
Toothpaste as upcycling material
Recycled recording media

Lacerta Group Recording Media Data Storage and Plastic Recycling Program
Custom plastic manufacturer that collects recording media and uses it as a raw material in thermoforming plastic.
Custom plastic manufacturer that collects recording media and uses it as a raw material in thermoforming plastic.
Bubble Wrap - Tae Lim
Up recycle Materials

I think this is the easiest way of recycling materials. It doesn't require any complicated processes. All you have to do is to tie PET bottles together and fix them with wires. The beauty of this product is its simplicity. I really like how they use the material as it is and take the advantage of its characteristic. The visual complexity created by PET bottle helps its functionality as a divider without loosing office's modern atomospher.
Wiener Bench - Upcycling
Upcycle Art — DIY Re-manufacturing

it would appear that Upcycle Art should’ve entered our Weird Eco Habits contest, because the results of their work are certainly outside the normal realm. The term ‘upcycle’ was selected to indicate that material from a discarded product can be repurposed into a new product, without being ground-up in the vast industrial process that is recycling. The pic here shows a lamp made from soda bottles. But visit the site and you’ll also be treated to very comprehensive step-by-step instructions (with photos) on how to make garbage bag compactors, mini light sabres, wallets, CD cases and bracelets from the likes of milk cartons, film canisters, juice containers and soda can ring pulls. While at least one of the products probably creates more waste that it saves, the overall theme of site is to inspire us to see the value of materials in a product that has passed its prime. Includes a short treatise on what normally happens to packaging, with spelling that is a quirky as the upcycle products.
The Praecius Table

The Praecius table is based on precise design by strictly conforming to natural pattern. The set of concentric black and white squares conform to a 1.0 Fibonacci series found in nature like the petal structure of flowers and the spirals of galaxies. This natural balance is relaxing and pleasing to the eye. Matching conference, dining and end tables available.
Materials : Reclaimed and upcycled wood. Repurposed composite materials. Black, white and clear lacquer.
Dimensions : 32 x 32 x 19"(h)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
bic bic.

i was thinking about how the very basic ballpoint pens, specifically bic brand, are often used and then just tossed away. a lot of the restaurants that i've worked at use these pens simply because they're cheap. once they're out, toss them. however, if there was a way for them to be recycled or made into something else that has nothing to do whatsoever with their intended purpose, i thought it could be pretty interesting. otherwise, they're only adding to the junk in landfills.
my friend sophia from the illustration department has actually been making these wallets out of the wrappers of vitamin water bottles since they first came to the market. The process of making this exciting wallet is quite interesting and easy. first you collect the the 3 colors of your choices then she does the rest by hand sewing, laminating and that's about it.
here are some photos of the finishing project, i had this for about 2 years now so it's kind of beat.
btw if any of you guys want one, it is 10 dollars a piece.

Shredded Paper
It turns out that paper shredders cut the paper into strips too small to survive through the sorting at a recycling facility. They might even clog the system by getting into the parts of the machinery and therefore, shredded paper is NOT recyclable. So, it would not be a bad idea to do something with all of this shredded paper instead of making hamster beds or compost. Here is a picture of someone (no name found for crediting) who used it for.... art(?)

Post-industrial waste collector
Reliable Industries Commodities Unlimited
Reliable Industries buys and sells industrial products, raw materials, and obsolete finished goods. These items range from finished and unfinished textiles, plastics, unused oils to finished consumer products. Just name it!! Do you suspect that other companies might be throwing away materials you use in production? Could your company benefit from saving money on raw materials? If so, contact us for a free consultation. We will search our network of sources to save you money on the materials you use every day.
Reliable Industries buys and sells industrial products, raw materials, and obsolete finished goods. These items range from finished and unfinished textiles, plastics, unused oils to finished consumer products. Just name it!! Do you suspect that other companies might be throwing away materials you use in production? Could your company benefit from saving money on raw materials? If so, contact us for a free consultation. We will search our network of sources to save you money on the materials you use every day.
Recycled Materials Proposal: Excess Fabric
When fashion is mass produced, there is often several layers of fabric laid up and cut out according to a pattern. Most of the time the pattern pieces can not be laid up without leaving several areas of waste in between. I would like to obtain the waste pieces of fabric from several different articles of clothing, and use them to create a new textile. Ideally, the pieces could be sewn together to take best advantage of different colours, textures, patterns, etc. Once the pieces were all sewn together, the fabric could be trimmed into a standard bolt length and resold as a 'new' textile.
Near the beginning you can see how the fabric is rolled out in layers, and then cut out according to the pattern piece.
Near the beginning you can see how the fabric is rolled out in layers, and then cut out according to the pattern piece.
Glass Recycling, Cullet, Abrasives and Powdered Glass

Strategic Materials, Inc. - Glass Recycling, Cullet, Abrasives and Powdered Glass
Provides glass cullett - ground up recycled glass
Provides glass cullett - ground up recycled glass
Green washing
Eco-Buyer Beware - TIME
A brief article published this week in Time magazine summarzing about green-washing - making environmental claims that can be misleading or false.
The Greenwashing Index lets readers review and rate ads based on their validity:
lists the six sins of greenwashing on their website.
The first is the sin of the Hidden Trade-Off - e.g. paper (including household tissue, paper towel and copy paper): “Okay, this product comes from a sustainably harvested forest, but what are the impacts of its milling and transportation? Is the manufacturer also trying to reduce those impacts?” Emphasizing one environmental issue isn’t a problem (indeed, it often makes for better communications). The problem arises when hiding a trade-off between environmental issues. This would be especially relevant with Rain Forest Relief's sustainable harvets program
Please read the sites and think of a couple of questions for Tim Keating in preparation for tomorrow's visit by Rain Forest Relief.
A brief article published this week in Time magazine summarzing about green-washing - making environmental claims that can be misleading or false.
The Greenwashing Index lets readers review and rate ads based on their validity:
lists the six sins of greenwashing on their website.
Please read the sites and think of a couple of questions for Tim Keating in preparation for tomorrow's visit by Rain Forest Relief.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Upcycling Art by Schimmel Art

Sandhi Schimmel Gold, use letters or flyers from the mail as well as waist magazines to construct her art. First she paints the piece out, than she find and match the color she want on the canvas. By doing so all the waist will further become an expensive piece of art work.

Go to watch a clip on : Fox News
Go to the web site : Schimmel Art
Packaging Upcycling
I came across two very interesting ideas that involve the reconstruction of some sort of packaging.
The first one is from Upcycle Art. The website, as the name suggests, is dedicated to innovative diy upcycling ideas. Among the many projects that are listed here, there is a section designed with milk cartons. The material used for milk cartons is "a high grade heavy weight paper... laminated for water proofing [which] makes it harder to recycle them." Even if we were to recycle it, it would most likely to be downcycled.
**more info on recycling of milk cartons and other common materials here**

The second one that caught my attention is from the designer Tim Fraser Brown's website (you can find it under portfolio -> Idea*). The concept is to transform a package into a product with no adhesives. It is also to be deconstructed when desired.

I want to explore more into the feasibility of the milk carton projects and the functionality of the latter.
The first one is from Upcycle Art. The website, as the name suggests, is dedicated to innovative diy upcycling ideas. Among the many projects that are listed here, there is a section designed with milk cartons. The material used for milk cartons is "a high grade heavy weight paper... laminated for water proofing [which] makes it harder to recycle them." Even if we were to recycle it, it would most likely to be downcycled.
**more info on recycling of milk cartons and other common materials here**

The second one that caught my attention is from the designer Tim Fraser Brown's website (you can find it under portfolio -> Idea*). The concept is to transform a package into a product with no adhesives. It is also to be deconstructed when desired.

I want to explore more into the feasibility of the milk carton projects and the functionality of the latter.
Friday, September 12, 2008

Above is a switch box. They have circle punchouts all around the box. They are there so you can keep it enclosed except for the area where wiring is supposed to go through. I can see all those little circles that normally get thrown out to be used in various ways. I bought one at Home Depot to work with and explore.
Duct Tape Wallet become Beautiful

I came across the Db Clay company on the internet and saw their wallet collections and was amazed by how duct tape wallet can become. The material the company use is call "Tope" that is made from non-toxic raw materials while having no "hazardous chemicals typically found in most vinyl-based product."1
The company also claim the material are produced away from dioxin, heavy metal or phthalate pollution and it would decompose when being buried.
The ink they use to print on material is also non toxic ink so the whole manufacturing process is eco friendly.
They even have duct tape kit and booklet show you have to do a duct tape wallet yourself.
Their website is http://ww2.dbclay.com/
1. Source from Dbclay company website
New materials,
Upcycling - Products
Furniture Design/Build Competition for students

Design Emphasis is widely acclaimed as the foremost furniture design competition for students and offers design students a unique opportunity to demonstrate their talent and originality before a judging panel of furniture industry designers, manufacturing and retail executives, and members of the trade press who have design-oriented backgrounds. It also provides a unique chance to experience an international industry trade show, make important career contacts and exchange ideas with other students from around the nation.
Registration Deadline: January 31
Brett Allcorn: Post Industrial Waste Product Proposal
I'm heading in the packaging direction since it seems like there is a lot of opportunity there, especially after the information on HP packaging laptops in cases. Very cool. So I felt like there were three directions to go:
1) Saves material
2) Saves material + protects the product
3) Has a secondary use e.g.
One idea was just a latex coating that could be peeled off. Plastic is also an option or perhaps a recycled material.

(example of latex coating on work gloves)
Just this simple coating wouldn't work well for fragile items like consumer electronics.

(air pack packaging used by Amazon.com)
Packaging electronics sandwiched between two air packs like the ones shown above would really cut down on packaging. Whats great is these packs can be any color and you can print on them. So there can still be graphics on the front of the package and information or directions on the back. It takes up some space but really its 4 sheets of superthin plastic put together the right way. Why not use air to our advantage? There's plenty of it and its free.
The third direction is that it has some sort of secondary use like the laptop bag. I also found a good example of secondary use packaging here:

(bug repellent and apple packaging)
While packaging apples might be an unnecessary use of materials the package has the added benefit of keeping bugs away until the apple is ready to be picked. So there is a lot of opportunity in that.
My concerns:
The contest doesn't require you to use post consumer/industrial waste or to use recycled materials, however that doesn't really seem to be the goal of the class. If we're required to use these types of materials I would like to know that.
1) Saves material
2) Saves material + protects the product
3) Has a secondary use e.g.
One idea was just a latex coating that could be peeled off. Plastic is also an option or perhaps a recycled material.

(example of latex coating on work gloves)
Just this simple coating wouldn't work well for fragile items like consumer electronics.

(air pack packaging used by Amazon.com)
Packaging electronics sandwiched between two air packs like the ones shown above would really cut down on packaging. Whats great is these packs can be any color and you can print on them. So there can still be graphics on the front of the package and information or directions on the back. It takes up some space but really its 4 sheets of superthin plastic put together the right way. Why not use air to our advantage? There's plenty of it and its free.
The third direction is that it has some sort of secondary use like the laptop bag. I also found a good example of secondary use packaging here:

(bug repellent and apple packaging)
While packaging apples might be an unnecessary use of materials the package has the added benefit of keeping bugs away until the apple is ready to be picked. So there is a lot of opportunity in that.
My concerns:
The contest doesn't require you to use post consumer/industrial waste or to use recycled materials, however that doesn't really seem to be the goal of the class. If we're required to use these types of materials I would like to know that.
myplasticheart :: urban vinyl designer toys & culture

Design Competition for a plastic wallet.
In our continued efforts to promote the development and appreciation of unique and original art, myplasticheart and Poketo invite you to submit your designs to the "my plastic wallet" Poketo wallet design competition. This is an open-theme competition, so here's your chance to flex your creative muscles and get your design juices flowing. The only requirement is that it must say "myplasticheart" somewhere in the front of the wallet design. The winning entry will have their design produced as a limited edition Poketo wallet and sold exclusively through myplasticheart online and retail stores. The competition ends on October 5th, 2008.
Deadline: October 5
2008 Student Design Award - Association of Rotational Molders International

The Competition
The Association of Rotational Molders (ARM) International developed the Student Design Competition to encourage the use of rotational molding as a tool for design and engineering students. The competition is intended to promote the use of the rotational molding process through both competition and education. Designs must be for a rotationally molded piece.
Who is eligible?
The competition is open to all undergraduate students, from any recognized university or college, who are pursuing a degree in an industrial design or engineering-related field.How to participateSend your submission, along with a completed entry form to ARM International Headquarters. All submissions must be received by May 31, 2008 to qualify. Your submission must include printed drawings, developed on a three dimensional CAD program, with sufficient views to represent the design. Drawings must not exceed 11x 17 inches each. Color renderings and/or models are optional. All designs must be original and not have been previously entered in any other competition. All materials submitted shall become the property of ARM International except that the design rights remain the property of the student. ARM International reserves the right to publish or show all the works submitted.
Enter to Win Great Prizes and Awards!
- 1st Place $2,000 plus coach airfare, hotel accommodations for up to two nights, and free registration to the Association of Rotational Molders International 2008 Meeting, October 22-23 in Rosemont (Chicago), IL, USA. The winner will be recognized with a plaque during the meeting.
- 2nd Place $1,000 plus coach airfare, hotel accommodations for up to two nights, and free registration to the Association of Rotational Molders International 2008 Meeting, October 22-23 in Rosemont (Chicago), IL, USA. The winner will be recognized with a plaque during the meeting.
- 3rd Place $500 plus coach airfare, hotel accommodations for up to two nights, and free registration to the Association of Rotational Molders International 2008 Meeting, October 22-23 in Rosemont (Chicago), IL, USA. The winner will be recognized with a plaque during the meeting.
** Meeting registration will cover only the meeting and functions associated with it.
Judges will evaluate all of the following factors:
Design: Practicality; creativity; originality; ease of use; and unique features.
Manufacturing: Moldability; ease of assembly/secondary operations; projected cycle time; cost efficiencies.
Technical Merits: What technical challenges were overcome? What design considerations eliminated assembly? Are there any unique features that help make this part technically successful? Choice of polymers; knowledge of the rotomolding process.
Questions?Contact Patrick Dockins at patrickd@cmservices.com or 630-942-6589
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