The Competition
The Association of Rotational Molders (ARM) International developed the Student Design Competition to encourage the use of rotational molding as a tool for design and engineering students. The competition is intended to promote the use of the rotational molding process through both competition and education. Designs must be for a rotationally molded piece.
Who is eligible?
The competition is open to all undergraduate students, from any recognized university or college, who are pursuing a degree in an industrial design or engineering-related field.How to participateSend your submission, along with a completed entry form to ARM International Headquarters. All submissions must be received by May 31, 2008 to qualify. Your submission must include printed drawings, developed on a three dimensional CAD program, with sufficient views to represent the design. Drawings must not exceed 11x 17 inches each. Color renderings and/or models are optional. All designs must be original and not have been previously entered in any other competition. All materials submitted shall become the property of ARM International except that the design rights remain the property of the student. ARM International reserves the right to publish or show all the works submitted.
Enter to Win Great Prizes and Awards!
- 1st Place $2,000 plus coach airfare, hotel accommodations for up to two nights, and free registration to the Association of Rotational Molders International 2008 Meeting, October 22-23 in Rosemont (Chicago), IL, USA. The winner will be recognized with a plaque during the meeting.
- 2nd Place $1,000 plus coach airfare, hotel accommodations for up to two nights, and free registration to the Association of Rotational Molders International 2008 Meeting, October 22-23 in Rosemont (Chicago), IL, USA. The winner will be recognized with a plaque during the meeting.
- 3rd Place $500 plus coach airfare, hotel accommodations for up to two nights, and free registration to the Association of Rotational Molders International 2008 Meeting, October 22-23 in Rosemont (Chicago), IL, USA. The winner will be recognized with a plaque during the meeting.
** Meeting registration will cover only the meeting and functions associated with it.
Judges will evaluate all of the following factors:
Design: Practicality; creativity; originality; ease of use; and unique features.
Manufacturing: Moldability; ease of assembly/secondary operations; projected cycle time; cost efficiencies.
Technical Merits: What technical challenges were overcome? What design considerations eliminated assembly? Are there any unique features that help make this part technically successful? Choice of polymers; knowledge of the rotomolding process.
Questions?Contact Patrick Dockins at patrickd@cmservices.com or 630-942-6589
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