Found an item on Etsy that uses pressed plastic bags to create mailers. I like that she not only took used plastic bags but actually transformed the properties of the plastic by pressing them to create a new material. I enjoy the idea of taking post consumer and industrial waste and directly upcylcing it as well, but this technique of physical transformation of the material is interesting as well.
Good idea! The technique for creating the plastic had been posted earlier on Etsy.
There was a designer named Karin Carter creating the materials. Get in touch with her and see if she will collaborate with you on creating a product and if she has samples around. Invite her to come to class if you want!
If the product is sewn you will need to find a local sewing contractor to find out price, turn around etc.
There's also another competition for a wallet design. Poketo
heating and pressing process, the plastic melts together creating a thicker more durable plastic material..
i read that "Once plastic bags have reached a recycling center, they are melted down in a large heated vat"....this is the only process..??
plastic fabricators
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