Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Handmade upcyling / recycling

Etsy :: Your place to buy and sell all things handmade

Website that sells some products that could be considered upcycled. To me the most successful use the maximum amount of waste material with minimum additiona of virgin material. In this sense the messenger bag from seatbelt material collected from auto junk yards seems successful, not so sure about the cheerio's notebook - if the pages were recycled paper, bound with hide glue I might be more for it.

I think the crayons made from ends is an interesting idea - and the product could be just an instruction sheet distributed to pre-school programs or kindergarteners. It could have a lesson plan about wax, about heat, or melting etc.

Woven reclaimed bed sheets. Do thrift stores get sheets donated? can they resell them - eeww bugs. but could they be rewoven into rag rugs? could there be a tie in with reselling them in the thrift store to benefit a population? could the weaving be done by people with limited occupational skills?

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